Monday, September 6, 2010

I've become quiet...

I'm not sure when this happened.

I realized the other night though, that I don't talk very much anymore. It used to be that whenever something interesting happened to me I couldn't wait to tell my friends and family. But now there are a lot of things that go unsaid simply because I've lost the desire to share them. It's not that I don't talk to anyone ( I think I still do a great deal of talking if I'm around someone long enough.), I just feel like I don't have anything interesting to say anymore. Not that I really ever did come to think of it...I just don't really have much to say to anyone anymore it feels like. Even people I don't get to talk to very often. I see them or talk to them on the phone and I find myself not knowing what to say. It's as if I've convinced myself that no one cares about the little things I have to say. Either that or I just don't care to tell them. And it's not because I don't want them to know whats going on in my life, its simply because I feel like I don't have the energy to tell them. I realized this the other night when my mom was talking to me. She would pause and wait for me to say something, but I never had anything to offer the conversation. I feel like my brain just shuts itself off. It's as if it gets tired of thinking and formulating sentences so it just stops whenever it feels like it and I'm left with a completely blank and useless brain. It might as well not even be up there if that's how it's going to act.
But seriously, how sad is that? I can't even have a normal conversation with my own mother because I can't think of a single thing to say. I'm over it. I'm ready to be able to form somewhat intelligent thoughts. It's either that or act like a 4 year old and start repeating other people when I don't know what to say to them.....I can't wait to see which one I choose.


Anna said...

It's the red bull...haha It steals energy from your brain to give energy to your body for the day. haha No but I feel the same way sometimes...
Take your vitamins and eat your vegetables! ;)
Okay I feel the hate glares...but I love you...

Annie said...

You should definitely start repeating what people say, that would be just fantastic! "Hey Becks, want a slurpee?" (Mocking voice) "Want a slurpee?"
Geez. Well, this whole thing must count me out because you and I still have in depth, wonderful discussions (like yesterday) that are edifying and challenging. Don't worry, as a wise person once speculated,"We have two ears, two eyes, but only one mouth." Hmmm.
I still enjoy hearing you talk though, so don't give up and become a monk...please?